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 UL 认证简称:


 UL 263建筑构件和材料-标准名称:

 UL 263 Fire Tests of Building Constriction and Material

 UL 263 建筑结构和材料的防火测试

 UL 263建筑构件和材料-标准范围:


 UL 263建筑构件和材料-涵盖范围:jsgf19310zjh

 These fire tests are applicable to assemblies of masonry units and to composite assemblies of structural materials for building, including bearing and other walls and partitions, columns, girders, beams, slabs and composite slab and beam assemblies for floors and roofs, they are also applicable to other assemblies and structural units that constitute permanent integral parts of a finished building.

 The classifications for building construction and materials are intended to register performance during the period of fire exposure and are not intended to be interpreted as having determined their acceptability for use after fire exposure.

 These re are intended to evaluate the length of time that the types of assemblies specified in1.1 will contain a fire or retain their structural integrity, or both, dependent upon the type of assembly involved, during a predetermined test exposure. the test evaluates the assembly's resistance to teat. and in some instances to a hose stream. while carrying an applied load, if the assembly is load bearing.

 Under these re a specimen is subjected to a standard fire exposure controlled to achieve specified temperatures throughout a specified time period. In some instances ,the fire exposure may be followed by the application of a specified standard fire hose stream. This exposure by itself may not be representative of all fire conditions; conditions may vary with changes in the amount, nature, and distribution of fire loading, ventilation, compartment size and configuration, and heat sink characteristics of the compartment. These re provide a relative measure of fire performance of comparable assemblies under these specified fire exposure conditions. Any variation from the construction or conditions that are tested such as size. method of assembly, and materials ,may substantially change the performance characteristics of the assembly.

 UL 263建筑构件和材料-标准概述:

